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Deconstructing Activism

How can other, unrelated skill-sets, illuminate the practice of activism? These are more thoughtful posts that examine that question.

Greece's political shift could spark a grassroots reawakening

Greece's political shift could spark a grassroots reawakening

Publishing, co-working, ‘deeptruth’

Publishing, co-working, ‘deeptruth’

Pages over pixels

Pages over pixels

The magic you didn’t know you’d lost

The magic you didn’t know you’d lost

The subversive power of laughter

The subversive power of laughter

Choose left

Choose left

Beneath the surface of things

Beneath the surface of things

Get yourself out of the way

Get yourself out of the way

It’s not always someone else’s fault

It’s not always someone else’s fault

Revolution through... meditation?

Revolution through... meditation?

Photography can teach us a few things about having impact

Photography can teach us a few things about having impact

I’m Mehran Khalili and I write about how to do smarter activism. Sign up for my newsletter here: