e07: Hope in the dark

e07: Hope in the dark

I speak to Miguel Duarte, the migrants rights activist who helped save 14,000 people... and faced 20 years in prison for it.

e06: Disruptive protest

e06: Disruptive protest

Miriam Meyer is a young activist who gets arrested regularly, for blocking roads with the climate action group Last Generation. In this candid interview, I speak to her about the fine line between pushing your proposals, and turning the public against you.

e05: Taking the power back

e05: Taking the power back

An interview with Chris Smalls, the leader of the first successful union drive in Amazon's history. From May 2020, and very relevant today.

e02: Exposing the far-right

e02: Exposing the far-right

What do you do, when your country is holding the biggest trial of a Nazi party since Nuremberg, and the media can’t be trusted to cover it properly? I speak to Antonis Bougias of the Golden Dawn Watch grassroots journalism project in Greece, to find out.